Monday, July 11, 2011

Monday, Monday

Today, we had plans to do a lot more hiking, but most of our day was spent shopping.  Luckily, the beaches and short hikes make up for any time lost.  We ended up driving about 1 hour to Costco and we realized, as soon as we got there, that we forgot our Costco card!  So we had to forget it and just drive to the nearest Safeway.  We also found out that it costs about twice as much to buy food here compared to the mainland.  Good thing we're so rich ;)

After about 3 hours of shopping and time wasting, we were able to enjoy our day.  We went to Anini beach and it was awesome.  The water on the ocean was so incredibly warm!  We floated and swam in the ocean and really enjoyed soaking up the sun.

We then hiked the first mile of the Powerline trail.  It is a hike that travels along the Hanalei Valley next to, you guess it, the power lines!

We got to hike around in parts of the jungle and witness the beautiful flora of the island.  There are so many different plants and flowers!

We ended our day with a long walk around the community of Princeville (our temporary home) and a very refreshing dip in the hot tub and pool.  Tomorrow will be another wonderful adventure!  We'll be sure to share with you our next day's adventure :)

Mr. and Mrs. Sokol

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